Monday, March 1, 2021

Introduction to MERN Stack


  • Chapter 01: MERN stack
  • Chapter 02: Why use the MERN Stack
  • Chapter 03: Benifits of the MERN stack

MERN stack

MERN STACK is a web development framework.MERN is an acronym accustomed to describe a particular set of JavaScript-based technologies that are utilized in the web application development process. it's designed with the concept to create the event process as smooth as possible.MERN includes the following components.
        • ReactJS
        • NodeJS
        • MongoDB
        • ExpressJS
        ✔ ReactJS :
      • React is used to create UI components that make the interface of the single-page web application. React is a JavaScript library used for building user interfaces. React uses a full-featured programming language to construct repetitive or conditional DOM elements. With React, a similar code can run on both the server and also the browser. React’s strong suit is handling stateful, data-driven interfaces with minimal code and minimal pain. And also React has great support for forms, error handling, events, list, etc.
        ✔ NodeJS :
      • NodeJS is used to run JavaScript on a machine instead of in a browser. Node JS is a cross-platform run-time JavaScript environment used for executing JavaScript code outside of a browser. Node JS was designed with the concept of allowing devs to create scalable network applications. Node JS has enabled devs to use it to write down command-line tools and back-end scripts for the aim of making dynamic web page content before the page is distributed to the user's browser.
        ✔ MongoDB :
      • MongoDB is a free open-source, cross-platform and document-oriented database program. it is categorized as a No-SQL database used to store application data, suggesting the data is stored in flexible documents with JSON-based query language.
        ✔ ExpressJS :
      • ExpreesIS is used to create the backend of a site using NodeJS functions and structures. this is free open-source software. it's released under the MIT license, and it is classified as a web application framework for Node.js. Express JS is formed for developing web apps and APIs.

Why use the MERN Stack 

MERN Stack is a Javascript Stack that's used for easier and faster deployment of full-stack web applications. MERN Stack comprises 4 technologies namely: MongoDB, Express, React, and Node.js. it's designed to create the development process smoother and easier. the subsequent reasons are the use of the MERn Stack.
      • It helps you to make both Web and Mobile applications.
      • It is widely adopted in the web industry.
      • very huge and growing exponentially.
      • very easy to learn and suitable for beginners.
      • used throughout and across the stack.

Benifits of the MERN Stack 
  • The speed of designing and developing websites and web applications,
  • Develop a computer application using a single language called JavaScript.
  • Ease of transferring a web application to a mobile application or software.
  • Reducing client costs.
  • The functionality of highly optimized web applications and software.
  • it can be creating a web site using a single HTML document.

some examples of widely used web development technology stacks :


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As a programmer, work in a constantly evolving environment. I'll create, maintain, audit, and improve systems to fulfill particular needs, often as advised by an analyst or architect, testing both hard and software systems to diagnose and resolve system faults. And also I am a creative thinker and self-learner, adept in web & mobile application development.


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